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My Philisophy


Vegetable Basket

Reach your health goals by learning to connect with your body rather than fight against it.

I work with clients in a non-diet approach to healthy eating. Together we work on healing the relationship with food and finding joy in eating foods that help you feel your best. I help clients find their own variety and balance in both activity and nutrition, for sustainable, lasting results. Healthy eating requires life-long commitment and there is not a one size fits all approach. 

Why Whitney Larsen Nutrition?
Whitney provides comprehensive, client-centered nutrition therapy, helping clients who have tried various diets or tried to improve their nutrition on their own and have not had lasting success. Whitney also works with families looking to raise children who are a joy to feed, who grow well, and have a healthy relationship with food and their bodies.

       To learn more about Whitney Larsen's nutrition philosophy                              check out the RESOURCE  or FAQ tabs.

Whitney Larsen, RD, LMNT, CPT

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Licensed Medical Nutrition Therapist

Certified Personal Trainer


Whitney Larsen received her Bachelors Degree in Food Science and Human Nutrition from Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado. She then went on to complete her dietetic internship with the University of Northern Colorado, where she completed over 1,200 hours of suvervised practice. 


Whitney specializes in nutrition counseling for Disordered Eating, Prenatal and Maternal Nutrition, Gut Health, Family Nutrition, Disease Management, Joyful Movement, and Worksite Wellness. In addition, Whitney is a Certified Personal Trainer and was named ‘Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year’ by the Nebraska Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics – Omaha District in 2016.


Whitney has consulted for various physicians clinics, has been a speaker at professional conferences, schools and universities, has designed and implemented corporate wellness initiatives and teaches adult and child cooking classes.


Whitney works from a Health At Every Size (HAES) perspective and has dedicated herself to studying the psychology of eating, the relationship between weight and health, and intuitive and mindful eating.



About Me


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 "I help my clients achieve their health goals without dieting, improve their energy, heal their relationship with food and body, and learn how to eat well and move their bodies for life."

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